Saturday, April 18, 2009

Accidents Happen


Julie said...

OH MY!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

Tracy said...

WOW!!!! Congratulations!!! That is so cool-you are going to be so busy:)

Jules said...

You know-your post title is the title of one of the songs on Elmo's Potty time-every time I see those words I start singing . . . .

I'd react to the announcement-but I've already ribbed you enough about it. ;)

K said...

Congratulations (again!) That is such a great ultrasound picture!
You are one busy, happy mama!!

Unknown said...

Yay! Just keep those grandkids coming.

Colleen said...



Colleen said...

P.S. We need details, like the due date please!!!

Timbra said...

oh MY GOODNESS!!! I had no idea when i saw you!!! how exciting! And you thought you were about to get a break with those girls in school :) When are you due? How are you feeling . . on and on and on, all the usual questions!!! Very exciting!!! (I guess no hamsters this year then huh?)

Timbra said...

oh and PS. . . congrats! It's very exciting. We'll be excited to hear who you're having :)

gamma said...

I am so happy for you and for all of us who love you. As a grandmother all I can say its, "keep'em comin'!"

gamma said...

Yay! For "accidents" like rainbows
and cucoons that turn into silk
and other miracles like seeing life in a drop of water, a blip on a sonogram...Hi there, little blip!

anita said...

Congratulations!!!!its fantastic¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

HeatherV said...

Congrats! When are you due? Will you find out the gender?

The Hines Family said...

Congratulations!!!! :-D

Jennifer Cheer said...

Wow!!! That is awesome! You will have three little helpers by your side. Beautiful ultrasound! What a Blessing!

wendy said...

just want to add my congrats......4 babies!!!!!! OY