Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Never Ever

Let your 2 year olds pee alone.


Jules said...

With the price of TP nowadays-I;m pretty much the toilet-paper Nazi with Josie. Luckily she hasn't wrapped herself up in it-she just unrolls it all on the ground.

Haley said...

I love that it's still attached to the roll!!

Julie said...


Timbra said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. . . we have not had our toilet paper on the roller for like, um. . . since we moved into this house when alani was 15 months old :) That cracks me up!!!!

Colleen said...

I think she made a brilliant little shawl!

jujcrave said...

But they are so cute when they do:)