Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Coby's 18 month old photos


Tracy said...

I am in LOVE with those pictures. He looks like such a little boy though-where is the baby? I guess you have another one on the way so it's OK if C. is growing up...LOL.

Hey, we need a post about baby #4 please:)

The Hines Family said...

What a cutie! He looks so tall! Sweet boy! :-)

Timbra said...

what is this last pose? cracking me up!!! love him!

Jules said...

These are great! I'm amazed at how well he cooperated for the photographer. Such a handsome guy . . .

Colleen said...

That is one cutie-petutie!

jujcrave said...

LOVE that black and white photo of him!

Julie said...

That is one handsome guy!

Sandra & Steve said...

ok, the kids are looking great, Coby is such a big handsome boy, loved the "Smile" post of the girls, adorable! Looks like a fun start to summer so far but wait, where are you? Don't forget to hand the camera over on occasion! lol.

Haley said...

Man he's one cute little boy! And once again, the "canasta" pose as I've now dubbed it cracks me up!