Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kitchen helpers

Chloe and Taylor are all about "helping" mommy and daddy in the kitchen these days. It's nice to finally have some help around here.
Here they are helping mommy bake......

And Daddy cook breakfast.....


Timbra said...

aren't they just so helpful at this age? and just in time for the next one to come along :) i particularly like the 2 year old version of "cleaning the dishes" i believe someone is demonstrating it in this lot of photos while licking an beater clean :) watch out, you might find that back in the drawer and think to yourself "did i wash that?"

Tracy said...

They look like great little helpers!

Haley said...

ah kitchen helpers . . . they make the task fun and the mess messier!!!!

The Hines Family said...

You gotta love kitchen help! :-)

Julie and Dean said...

They are so cute sitting on the counter with their legs wrapped around each other.

Jules said...

Oh yes-helping in the kitchen . . .aka getting every single kitchen utensil out of the drawer and licking it, putting it on the floor or hitting the cat with it.