Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The BIG interview

Normally I would say that if you poop your pants in the middle of any interview it is automatically a bad interview. And that is just what Chloe AND Taylor did, right after I was telling the teacher how they were both potty trained. And to make matters worse I didn't have a single diaper or pull up or a pair of training pants in my car. So I just put their jeans back on and prayed they wouldn't pee all over the floor.

Despite the poop they both passed! And we'll be enrolling them for the fall! Woo hoo!!


Tracy said...

That is so funny! What are the chances that they would both need to poop at the same time? Congrats on getting in-I can't believe you had to interview-they are TWO!!!

jujcrave said...

Congratulations Taylor and Chloe in getting into "big girl" school:) Loved that video BTW...Lydia always sits right next to me when I check my blogs and she tells me over and over again to watch happy birthday song. She also thinks that she is Taylor in all of your photos. She says, "that Lydia, whose that" and points to Chloe.

Timbra said...

that is SOOO funny (if you're not they're mom). When we took Alani for photos on her first birthday, she pooped in her diaper on the way, i had no extras. . . (this was BEFORE pix) so i made a makeshift "diaper" with paper towels in the bathroom, and thought.. .. no way she'll have to pee again before we're done. . she did!!! i think it's the pressure that gets to them:) glad you guys got in!

Colleen said...

I can't believe they BOTH pooped! That is a funny story! Glad they got into your preschool of choice.

Julie and Dean said...

Super smart cuties!

Julie said...

I can't believe that happened! That will be a story to torture them with one day. Congrats on getting into the preschool!

Sandra & Steve said...

Those girls do everything with their own unique flair, aren't you proud?! Congrats on getting the school you wanted for them, congrats to them on making a grand entrance, lol.