Saturday, March 28, 2009

Coby Paints

Coby has been into everything the girls do lately. He used to be okay with just coloring when they painted, but not anymore! I let him paint for the first time this week. He LOVED it. He was using water colors but he decided to turn them into finger paints and he also figured his shirt was more fun to paint then the paper. I couldn't decide which photos were the cutest, so here's a bunch!


Shali said...

Great pitures -- he looks like the tortured artist already. Priya has the same paints and they turn into finger paints too and all the colors kind of look the same now because she dips into all of them -- but hey it washes off and they have tons of fun.

Timbra said...

okay. . . i think the MAKE-UP is the funniest part of the whole thing, i can't believe you didn't mention it. . .beautiful eyelashes, rosie cheeks and then he puts on lips!!! this is so opposite of alani. . she does not prefer the finger painting and never paints on her shirt. . . both of which i was SURE she would be into :) she loves the watercolors! these are SUCH sweet pix. . and yeah, formal baby announcement on gender on friday. . see you saturday!

Julie and Dean said...

AWWW it looks like he is wearing lipstick. He is so darn cute.
Yeah, I guess you have to have one of those "paint on yourself" days in life huh?!
You are such a great mom and good sport!

Tracy said...

Those are adorable. I love how his cheeks are pink( from being sick?) and then the red paint on his lips. I agree with Timbra-it looks like make-up. Too cute!

Haley said...

Ok, the rosie cheeks and the painted lips are too sweet; he's quite the little artist. And I can see he's got a preference for the wearable art!

Jules said...

these are great . . . . you got desperate for indoor activities didn't you? He'll probably be embarrassed by these pics when he's a teenager ,.

Susan said...

You are so brave! I only let Aaron paint outside where I can hose him (and the surroundings) down afterward.

What a wonderful moment you captured. Colby is such a BOY!

jujcrave said...

Looks like you have a little Picaso on your hands:)

Julie said...

He is SO cute!! It looks like he thought the paint was tasty too!

Unknown said...

I see that he enjoys eating paintbrushes as much as he likes munching on crayons - but with a much different effect. Tell Coby that I love his very colorful shirt...and his rosy, kissable cheeks.

The Hines Family said...

What a little artist! :-)

Colleen said...

He looks so into his "art." Adorable!