Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First haircuts!

We finally broke down and took the babies in for their first haircuts. I have been putting it off for awhile because who wants to cut off that beautiful soft shiny baby hair? I'll post a few photos soon but for now here's a couple of videos.

The first haircut blues:

Mr. well-behaved


Colleen said...

Oh, poor Chloe! Linlee cried the first three haircuts too. Now she doesn't mind.

What a big boy Coby was!

jujcrave said...

Oh those videos were so cute, poor Chloe. Where is Taylor's video...did she not get her hair cut?

Tracy said...

Chloe's video was so cute-I love how she was all stoic (sp) at first and then broke down. Did T. get hers done too? Coby was so funny-he could have cared less what they were doing as long as he could watch the video.

Susan said...

Aw, and Chloe was doing so well in the beginning.

It's so nice to see your kids in action. Thanks for sharing their videos!