Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Flower Girls

I was the last bridesmaid down the aisle. Jake was supposed to keep the girls corralled until I made it to the front and then set them free. Taylor escaped and came running down the aisle after me. Chloe followed her saying "T-t-t-t-t, come back." Chloe looked pretty cute running down the aisle with her basket, then about 2/3's of the way down she realized where she was and she burst into tears, then proceeded to throw herself dramatically onto altar, tears and all. Hey they're only two right? At least they both made it down the aisle. I stole these from the photographers website so they are lo-res. He got some great shots of the girls. The first photo of Chloe makes her look like she totally knows what she's doing! :)


Jules said...

Man these kids are cute. Poor Chloe!

Jennifer Cheer said...

This is precious! They are so cute! These are great photos;)

Timbra said...

and the last pic of chloe reminds us all why we didn't notice the bride come down the aisle. . . oops!! what little sweeties. they did a pretty good job, it is terrifying. . . i mean, it's terrifying even as an adult to be in a wedding sometimes, for fear of stepping wrong or tripping or something awful like that :)

Colleen said...

The way Taylor is marching down the isle just cracks me up. She looks so assertive for age two! And poor Chloe; you called that one.

They both looked BEAUTIFUL.

The Hines Family said...

Poor Chloe! :-)

They are SO cute! I love their little flower girl dresses. The wedding looks like a lot of fun! :-)

Tracy said...

Those pictures are so cute-of course my favorite is the one of Chloe crying-but I'm warped that way:)

jujcrave said...

How adorable...even if Chloe isn't the happiest little flower girl. Those dresses are beautiful and loving Coby's dance moves:)

K said...

The dresses are so cute!
Awesome wedding memories! :)

Susan said...

They get 10 points for effort and another 10 for style. They are beyond cute.