Monday, April 20, 2009

Quote of the day

Said while walking to the park:

"Look, Mommy there's a red stop sign! It's not a circle, it's an octogogogaon."


Jules said...

Ha! I love the way Josie says it too-Optogan. Or something to that effect. But the best is "cookie monsher". I make her say it all the time it's so cute.

Tracy said...

What a smart little girl (I am assuming it was one of the girls and not Coby, but if I am wrong-WAY TO GO!!). WE are all still waiting on the details of your last post you know:)

Haley said...

Now I know why they passed their preschool interviews despite the pooping of the pants. Impressive knowledge of shapes!!

Jennifer Cheer said...

That is too cute!

jujcrave said...

That is so cute:) Yes, more details about the new baby please. are one great momma!

Shali said...

Wow --how smart. Priya has just got into ovals.

Susan said...
