Friday, April 10, 2009

Tiny Dancer

Well, maybe not so tiny. Coby danced for about 45 minutes by himself while everyone ate. He was so thrilled when Great-Grandma finally decided to join him. He was so cute in his little suit! Here's our little dancer boy.


HeatherV said...

Cute pics. Your children look so cute.

Kendra is a flower girl in my SIL wedding next summer and takes the roses from the bushes at our new house and practices throwing them.

They look so cute and great pics of all 3 of them.

Have a great weekend.

Julie and Dean said...

I don't even know where to begin.
I actually got choked up looking at the wedding pictures. You sister is stunning. and I love the picture with she and your dad.
The girls, ahhhh so sweet and Coby, he is so J Crew. Honest!
What a magical day. You capture it so well. Just think before you know it Taylor and Chloe will be walking down the aisle holding Jake's arm.

Julie said...

Coby is such a doll!!!

Jules said...

Hey-he went 45 minutes without crying? That's cause for celebration right there, right?

Looks like you have a serious party animal on your hands . . . . glad someone finally joined him.

Sorry about Saturday-hope you found an Easter Egg hunt somewhere. I'm pretty over it now after the weekend-but there are still several eggs that Josie hasn't found yet. This could go on awhile . . .

Haley said...

He was so sweet out there dancing on his own, way too cute!

Susan said...

Mr. Personality!

There goes your kids again, stealing the show.

Lasho said...

Coby is so handsome, what a sweetheart!