Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tulip Fields

Last week we took a trip to the tulip fields with my dad's sister, brother in law and daughter Noelle. The tulips weren't in full bloom so we're going back next week to see them again. Here's a few photos of our trip.


Jules said...

jealous! I've always wanted to go-but wouldn't dare brave it on the weekend. One of the perks of being a SAHM is you can do things during the week.

Tracy said...

That looks like so much fun! I wish we had something pretty like that around here. If that is the not fully blooming pictures I can't wait to see what they look like next week!! Great pics

Timbra said...

i LOVE tulips. our tulip festival starts tomorrow (also my birthday) but we've decided to wait til the monday after mother's day to go for a wander!!! And of course. . . great place for LOTS of pix of the kiddos :)

Julie and Dean said...

Love it. The Dahlia festival was my favorite. I never made it out to the tulip festival. I tried once but the traffic was so bad we ended up shopping at the outlets instead. That worked too :)
Tell Coby we said GREAT JOB with the spoon!

Colleen said...

I didn't know there were tulip fields in Oregon. Ours in Mount Vernon aren't blooming yet either and the tulip festival ends on the 30th!

Pretty pictures.