Monday, July 20, 2009

The Rules

Chloe and Taylor have been sharing a room for about 5 months now. When we first put them together in the same room we came up with 3 rules that they had to obey at bedtime.

1) No walking around
2) No talking
3) No loud noises

They are pretty good with the loud noises and the walking around but the no talking is hard to enforce. One day I put Taylor down for a nap. Two hours later I went to get her up. She was totally naked. I said "Taylor what happen to all of your clothes?" And these were her exact words.... "Don't worry about it mom, I wasn't walking around, I wasn't talking and I wasn't making any loud noises."

Here she is licking her chewy. Strange strange child.


Colleen said...

Oh my gosh - Taylor is a RIOT! (And she is sooo smart!)

Timbra said...

yes, the trouble with exclusive rules. . . . i think it's the job of this age group to find the loopholes. . . it really never ends does it? it's actually just a skill we all acquire at the ripe old age of "3 ish". . . so funny!!!!

The Hines Family said...

That is hilarious! That's so great that she remembered all three rules! What a smarty! :-)

Jules said...

you are in soooo much trouble!

Sandra & Steve said...

Hilarious, smart girl, love her comeback too! All the kids are looking great, those dresses in the previous post are adorable and Coby is such a big handsome boy. LOVE that last snap of the family, all happy smiles and unposed!

Julie and Dean said...

Laughing at the licking chewy thing and then laughed harder at your 'strange strange child' comment :)
Love the professional pictures. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

Julie said...

That is so funny and smart! Wow!