Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bye-bye diapers!

Chloe has an announcement to make:
She is all done with diapers!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!! This makes mommy's life 33.3333% easier (in the diaper department that is). She did awesome from day 1 of potty training and now 2 weeks later she rarely has an accident. She hasn't figured out that she can go pee-pee when we are out and about, so she'll hold it for up to 4 hours at a time. I'm going to start taking a potty with me when ever we go out. Thank God for minivans! We're so proud of you Chloe!!!! Here's our BIG GIRL:


Colleen said...

Congratulations Chloe! Whoohoo!

jujcrave said...

Way to go Chloe, and I love the picture of you between the boards to! Lydia has the same problem when we are out. I don't know if it is the automatic flusher or other people in the room and all the noise.

HeatherV said...

Great job Chloe.
I had a potty upstairs, one downstairs and one in the car.

Tip for automatic flushers if they end up scaring her as they scare Kendra to no end - cover them up w/ toilet paper.

Happy Thanksgiving

Jess and Paul said...

Wow, way to go Chloe. Way to go MOMMY!

Grannie Annie said...

I think Haley may have Chloe beat in the holding it dept.....all day at Disneyland!!!! That was just last week! Kidding! Great job Chloe!