Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're so lucky to be able to spend Thanksgiving at my parents house with family and friends. All three babies are sound asleep and we're about to eat. Perfect timing! Jake and I will actually get to sit down and eat Thanksgiving dinner this year! Here's a photo of the babies taken about an hour ago:


Tracy said...

Dinner by yourselves....I can't even imagine (but I am green with jealousy:) Love the picture-you are getting really good at getting all 3 of them looking at you! And they are all adorable (Coby is going to tower over the girls next year).

betsey said...

So stinking cute! I can't believe how long Chloe's hair is!

Colleen said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sandra & Steve said...

Sweet, all smiles AND they went down for a nap at the perfect time, truly a Happy Thanksgiving!