Thursday, November 6, 2008

Potty time

We've had a big week over here! Chloe and Taylor have officially started potty training. Yeah! We kind of made an attempt this summer, Taylor was really into it but Chloe was terrified of the potty. I decided after 1 day it wasn't such a good idea because of all the moving. So now we are settled, the girls are into a good routine and were giving it another go. We're on day 2 and it's going really really well. Chloe's our potty champ this time around. I've been taking her every 1/2 hour or so and today she started going on her own. The first time it happened I was downstairs doing some laundry and I heard this "YEAH Woo Hoo!!!" and lots of clapping. I rushed upstairs and Chloe was cheering for herself, all excited jumping up and down. She went all by herself! Taylor on the other hand is being quite the stinker. Whenever I ask her if she has to go potty she say's "No, my turn!" and then runs away. But if I threaten to put a diaper on her then she'll go. There's a little bit of competition going on between the two of them. I think it helps. To make things a little easier Coby is away at Grandma's house for a few days. He's having a blast not having to share his toys and getting lots of attention from Grandpa and Grandma. Here's a few pictures from last weekend of the kids playing outside in the Fall leaves.

If you look closely you can see Taylor raking the leaves


Jess and Paul said...

Good luck potty training! I can't wait to get Phoebe started. Please give lots of details on what you are doing and how things progress. I feel pretty clueless about it.

Susan said...

Wow, another milestone. Amazing.

This post started me thinking about how many diapers three kids go through in a day...yikes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so jealous! I put Jack back in diapers. He refused to go to the bathroom-he would just hold it until he had a diaper on (nap time and bedtime) and started getting really constipated because of it.

How cool that both of your girls will use the potty-even if Taylor does need a little push in that direction..haha.

Julie and Dean said...

These latest pictures are great! I love the gymnastics and Taylor Thoughts. You should make that a weekly column.
We are going to start potty training SP once we move into a house (if we find a house!!!)

jujcrave said...

I tried to get Lydia potty trained over the summer too, and she did well until I started back to work. About three weeks ago, I just decided to put her in big girl panties and she has went on the potty every since. It was a little hard to go ANYWHERE at first, (she was terrified of the automatic flushing potty). So I decided to leave a little potty in the car for emergencies.

Keep up the good luck Taylor and Chloe.

Colleen said...

Yeah, I'm jealous too. I think Linlee is going to go to Kindergarten in diapers!