Friday, November 7, 2008


6 potty chairs from IKEA.......................$23.94
6 pairs of training pants.................... ..$19.98
2 board books about using the potty..........$12.90
2 liters of juice and a bag of salty pretzels....$7.59

Hearing you child grunt and then yell from the BEDROOM "uh-oh mommy I pooped on the floor." PRICELESS


Jules said...

I hate to laugh cuz I know it's coming for me . . . .but it is kinda funny.

Tiffany said...

HA HA HA HA!!!!!! LOL! Oh that was the best! WHERE is the picture of the poop on the floor? You're telling me you didn't capture that?!

Susan said...

Oh dear.

Nicole - Raising Animals said...

Poop! Awesome!