Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Take TWO!!

These photos were taken on the same day as the last ones. It was such a beautiful day that we went outside to play after naps. Daddy had just gotten home so the kids were all waiting for him on the front porch. I took about 20 photos. I'm not super crazy about Chloe's hair, it was kind of an experiment. But it was a miracle that I got them all to sit still AND within 10 feet of each other! I'm going to try again today with some Christmas outfits. Here are a few of my favorites.


Tracy said...

I love the pigtails on Chloe!! I think that first picture would be a cute one for a card-you can't really see the girls face is the only bad thing. I sent cards out last year that had a stack of Christmas packages and the kids looked like they were fighting over them.....they were so rep. of where we were last year with the two of them....lol

Sandra & Steve said...

I only have the one to chase and I can barely get her to look at the camera. You managed THREE and got some great shots! I'm jealous!

Sandra & Steve said...

oops, forgot to mention the most important part...the kids look adorable! That hair on Chloe is too cute and I love the way they all hang on each other, what a loving group.

Anonymous said...

so adorable!!! Kiss from sisters is the best! hope you will get a Christmas picture you like :)

Trish said...

The pictures look great, what cuties!

Haley said...

Gasp; I never commented on this post!! Now that you've changed things I have to get back in the habit of purposefully coming to check on your blog instead of my blogger letting me know when there is an update! I love the first one where they are both kissing "the brother" so sweet; next time you get a picture like that will probably be his wedding day ;)

Julie and Dean said...

I love those 3! The look so good together. The pigtails are great by the way.

jujcrave said...

That first photo is screaming Christmas card!

laurenk said...

awwwww yyayyyyy soo cutee!!!!