Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coby's first haircut


Julie and Dean said...

Loved your 25 facts. VERY interesting. I'm so boring my list would only take me to #3.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair cut pictures.
What the heck, that coby kid has the cutest darn parted-down-the- side hair do with that cutest matching face ever. He seems so calm and cool. I chuckled looking at chloe's pics bec she looked so calm too, them WHAM - the crying shot.
Miss you guys.

Jennifer Cheer said...

He looks so grown up!!! What a gorgeous face!

Shali said...

Hey -- did you guys go to that place on 82nd? It looks like where I take Priya to cut her hair. I think it was even the same woman. Love the pics -- I ofcourse did not take any pics of Priya's hair cut!!