Thursday, April 2, 2009

And we're off!

To see these two get married.......

My little sister Anna and her fiance Josh are getting married on Saturday. Chloe and Taylor are their flowergirls. We're prepared for a total disaster, my guess is Taylor makes it down the isle and Chloe stops mid way and bursts into tears. Well I better get packing!


Julie and Dean said...

Beautiful picture. Your sister looks just like you. Have a BLAST and take good pictures like you always do please. I have to see this!

HeatherV said...

Have fun.
Looking forward to seeing pics of them as flower girls.

Logan was a ring bearer last year and did justice league punches up there. We were horrified, everyone else thought it was cute.


The Hines Family said...

How fun! Can't wait for pictures! :-)

Tracy said...

Oh, I can't WAIT to see wedding pictures!

Susan said...

Can't wait to see photos of your beautiful flower girls! Colby too!

Congratulations. Hopefully your kids will get some cousins really soon :)

Timbra said...

boy does this mama know her girls or what? her predictions rang OH SO TRUE!!! but they were beautiful and sweet nonetheless and loved being in their auntie's wedding!!!